Manage documents and tasks required for integration and setup
Developer information - such as credentials, logs, and detailed documentation
Test our services without interfering with live data
Make API calls, run and configure vConnect, log in to accounts, run risk verifications, and more
If you do not have an account, someone with your company who already has access can create an account for you.
Otherwise, please contact us to create a test account for you.
Product Documentation
Previously BankLOGIN+
Patent-pending bank transaction analytics and predictive decisioning using cash flow history
vConnect version 4 has been re-written from the ground up, featuring an all new interface, better bank connections, faster responses, and a better experience for your customers
Generate results on your historical transactions to see how ValidiFi performs in predicting defaults, overdraft payments, high risk returns, and affordability
Testing Information
Details on how to test ValidiFi services
Moving to Production
Information necessary to move into production
System Health, Maintenance, and Release Schedules
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Have questions?
Contact us with your questions on integrating ValidiFi services into your offerings